Your Privacy Matters at GinBook!
At GinBook, safeguarding your privacy is paramount. We want you to feel secure and confident when using our app. Here's how we ensure your data remains in your control:
Your Data Stays Yours:
- GinBook doesn't collect any personal data outside of Apple's eco-system.
- Your data is stored locally on your device or synced to Apple's iCloud servers, exclusively on your personal account.
- Your data remains inaccessible to GinBook's developers unless you willingly share it with us.
Analytics Transparency:
- Apple may collect analytics information if you enable this feature on your device, either during setup or in your device settings.
- This data covers app performance, crash reports, usage statistics, and conversion rates, all without identifying you personally.
Secure In-App Purchases:
- All in-app purchases are securely processed within the Apple ecosystem.
- When you make a purchase or subscribe, GinBook only receives information about your entitlements, ensuring access to corresponding app features.
- Your payment information is never shared with the app or developers, preserving your financial privacy.
Rest assured, GinBook is committed to respecting your privacy, providing a safe and enjoyable experience every time you mix up a cocktail.
Version Date: September 1, 2023